Sunday, June 21, 2009

D.E.A.D blog

time for some updates
dont know why I lost my sense of blogging
im lost of what to write

Let's see ..
begin with some random topic


Cant Stop Chatting

read this article from the newspaper the other day
found out it was similiar to some issue im facing these days
would like to share it out here

" I'M 16, and having problems prioritising
my studies. I just don't know how to
manage my studies. I had planned to
revise all my studies during the past two
weeks' holidays. It went well the first week ,
but I just went blank the second week and did
not study at all.

I also spend too much time online ; chatting ,
checking e-mails , updating my Friendster account
frequently and doing other useless things.
Nowadays , I also tend to send out text messages more frequently.
I tried to not be on the computer
and cellphone too much ,
but I failed .
I just care too much about my friends' feelings.

Sometimes , I tell myself that " It's OK , I'm relaxing " .

My relationship with my mother, who is a
single parent , is also strained .
I just cannot understand her . She always
nags me ! We end up fighting or quarrelling over
small things . I don't want to quarrel with her.
I love her so much .
Sometimes , I feel that I am not a filial
daughter and tend to ignore her feelings.

Well , I don't know how to express my
love to her , actually. "

my relationship with my mami
is just about lik this
perhaps I should do something
make a difference
I really hope so

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