Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Painted Pain-FULL week.

The news of Chung Ling High School's Dragon boat club students tragedy
that took the lives of 5 students and a teacher leaving students , parents and the school
an unforgettable grieving memory.

Never did I expected ,
I would lose a love one so soon either.
I attended my uncle's funeral for the weekend
back in my hometown.
It was a sad news for all of us
As I thought , this CNY celebration would be different without Him

Datuk Wang.

As for my week ,
Monday was a tiring school day.
not to mention torturing PJ lesson for our first class

there was pain in my ass and legs !!

For the rest of the week , had my first exam for the year
I screwed up most of the papers
and sleeping throughout the whole test
* gaspp *

Surviving !!

So much for a week !

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